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Guide spotlight

From paragliding to e-bike guiding

Passionate about the Alps, our certified guides are the heartbeat of our guided e-MTB adventures. With them, you'll not just ride but immerse in the local culture, enjoying the heartiest moitié-moitié (fondue) and the finest glass of Sassicaia or Petite Arvine.
Beyond showing you the best trails (from Verbier to Zermatt or Piombino to Elba Island), offering expert tips, and encouraging you on technical descents, they'll share their extensive knowledge of the Alps and Tuscan mountains. Get to know them through our Guide Spotlight Series

Meet Diego: Swiss Precision + South American Flair

Diego during our e-MTB guide formation

Hi, I'm Diego Ocampo. I was born and raised in Switzerland, but my roots trace back to South America. This unique blend of cultures allows me to communicate fluently in French, English, and Spanish, making your adventure with us even more enjoyable. 

I live in Saint-George – a small village nestled in the Jura Mountains – in the Canton of Vaud, near Geneva. 

A Life-changing Passion

My love for mountain biking started after a bad paragliding accident in which I injured my back. It was the only sport I could safely practice and the beginning of a great passion. I have not looked back since!

Mountain biking is more than a sport for me. It's my therapy. I ride to feel one with nature, to reconnect my senses with the natural elements. Becoming a mountain bike guide was a natural progression for me. It's a way to share my deep passion for the outdoors and showcase our beautiful playground, a little slice of MTB paradise. Guiding is not just a job. It's the best way for me to share my love for the sport and the Alps with you. 

If I had to sum up what adventure means for me in one word, I'd say it means freedom – in the purest sense of the word. And speaking of adventure, If I had to choose an e-Alps Haute Route, it would be a mix of the 3 Countries Haute Route (vast and wild) and the Chamonix Zermatt Haute Route (legendary) because they showcase the natural and cultural diversity in the Alps. But it isn't easy to choose just one. The landscape, culture, and food (yum) in the Alps magically change as you ride from one village to the next. 

The rugged terrain and conditions in the Alps make them an ideal playground all year round. In summer, you can find me on my e-bike, and in winter, on my skis (ski touring) or snowboard – and, of course, eating as many raclettes and fondues as I can.

Haute Route Stories

E-Alps means family. I’m grateful and proud to guide for this small but diverse company. Max and Adrià (e-Alps founders) were the first to trust my professional knowledge as a mountain biking guide. We’ve become like family over the years.

Looking back, there have been countless memorable moments on the Haute Route, but one that stands out was during the Haute Route from Chamonix to Zermatt. I was in a mountain hut in a remote village with a group of Dutch riders, and they were adamant about tasting 'Abricotine,' a must-try apricot liqueur from the Valais region, before going to bed. Determined to find this traditional 'rocket fuel' and give them a taste of the Alps, I went door to door around the tiny village.

After several unsuccessful attempts, a villager invited me to an apéro (aperitif) – a cherished tradition in the Alps – with his family. I couldn't decline. Thirty minutes and a couple of drinks later, after explaining our journey, I returned to the group, bottle in hand, feeling proud of myself. It was a truly unforgettable e-Alps moment!

It's All About the Journey

Riding the Haute Route is a unique adventure, one that you must experience! I recommend to anyone wanting to join us in the Alps to: 

1. Bring comfortable and MTB-specific kit/ equipment.

2. Work on your technical skills and physical condition: train beforehand!

3. Trust your guide. We’re part of the Alps!

And I'd tell anyone sceptical about riding the Haute Route on an electric bike: follow me, and you'll change your mind.

Random Questions

Are you an uphill or a downhill person?

Every cool downhill deserves a tough climb

Do you prefer flat or clipless pedals?

Flat pedals for e-MTB riding and clipless for XC training

Are you a fondue or a raclette guy?

I like to eat both (at the same time) :)

White or red wine?

Red, please!